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Ibukun Olajide

Burnout Ville!

by E. Gavi and Ibukun Olajide | Oct. 2021

Stress Avenue and Unmet Expectations Street are the main roads to this town called Burnout Ville! As professionals we are likely to find ourselves here at least once in our career and some people never leave!

For the lucky few that do, they left in car model “Follow your Passion”. Oftentimes the driver is a coach, sometimes a mentor, and other times a good friend. The “Follow your Passion” car landed them in the next town, “Business Ville”, as coaches know the only way out of Burnout Ville is for them to start a business of their own, since the reasons why they are there in the first instance is because what they do in their 9-5 job is not their passion.

Are you stuck in a rut, the pothole of defeating mindsets or have you just realised that you somehow ended up on “Blind Spot Close”? Cul-de-sacs could have often-abstract advantages, but they offer NO. WAY. OUT.! Speak to a Power in Clarity Coach for help with planning your freedom journey from “Blind Spot Close” to “Self-Awareness street”. We’ll develop a specialised programme to enable you identify the symptoms of burnout you have been experiencing and create a bespoke toolkit for further prevention.

Remember Burnout Ville is not a destination just a path along your journey. We will work with you to identify early predictors and explore some of the corresponding feelings, then devise a plan to help you not only avoid these debilitating symptoms but refer you to “Guilt-Free Rest Academy” for long-term self-care. You are not alone in this. Burnout has become pervasive, but with the right help it can be reversed. So, get yourself unstuck today with a business/life coach!

Photo Credits: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

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