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Ibukun Olajide

Build a Team!

By E. Gavi and Ibukun Olajide | Sep. 2021

Most entrepreneurs start on their own and quickly realise they need a team to schedule, plan, scout and produce professional services/products.

Entrepreneurs need to build a community of skilled professionals committed to service. A handful is sufficient. Until this is done you will be a CEO who is also a marketer, the HR director and the cleaner! Ask yourself… What am I proficient in? What aspects of my operation can I outsource to trusted partners?

“Where do I start?” I hear you ask! Before embarking on long-term partnerships, offer mutually agreed trial periods (paid of course) just as you would offer your clients a paid trial period when they are engaging you for the first time. Then, review these from time-to-time.

1. What 3 things can you outsource today?

2. Rather than waste time trying to improve on your ‘weaknesses’, delegate to a trusted professional. And, if you are interested in learning (not what the pros do but how to use the platform they have set up for you), establish that at the outset and build in time for a walkthrough and/or obtain training videos to keep you learning-as-you-go.

More next time…but why wait?! Connect with Ibukun at Power in Clarity Coaching for 1:1 tailored guidance.

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